Chalk Talk: Navigating the Non-Financial Side of Retirement


Chalk Talk: Navigating the Non-Financial Side of Retirement

“MainStreet Chalk Talk”

The MainStreet Financial Planning Discussion Club

When:  Thursday, June 27th at 6pm Eastern; 3pm Pacific

~30-45 minutes

Recorded and able to retrieve for one week

How: Zoom Meeting

Free for current clients, $10 for guests

Email us for the recording!

Navigating the Non-Financial Side of Retirement

Hosted by: Anna Sergunina, CFP®

Guest: Luanne Mullin, Retirement Counselor

Retirement is a complex and exciting phase of life that we spend years working, saving, investing, and preparing for. But how do you create a path that ensures you are truly ready and confident in your decisions, especially the non-financial ones?

In this discussion, we’ll cover essential topics to help you prepare for this transition.

  • The Nature of Transitions: How do we recognize and embrace change, whether we initiate it or happens to us?
  • Mapping Your Future: What steps can you take to move forward with confidence and purpose?
  • Risk-Taking and Momentum: How can embracing risks lead to growth and new opportunities?
  • Exploring New Possibilities: What are the unique challenges and opportunities for those over 50.

Let’s get started on making your retirement as fulfilling and secure as possible!


Beyond savings: Why retirement lifestyle planning is important

Retiring Soon? How to Ensure a Successful Transition

Please forward your questions in advance to [email protected]

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